Na Gaeil Aeracha

Founded 2020

Co. Dublin

Dublin Transfer Window

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IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: If you are now / have EVER been registered to play #GaelicFootball or #Hurling for another Dublin club, and want to play with NGA next year, you have ONE WEEK to complete a transfer.

Follow the steps in this post, and get your transfer to us before this day next week or (due to the GAA's policy), you will be ineligible to register and play for us in 2023.

The inter-county transfer system DOES NOT APPLY to Dublin transfers so you will need to fill out the application form (link in bio), get the Secretary of your previous club to sign it and email it to us before 5.30pm on Thursday, the 8th of December -

Any questions, send us an email or slide into our DMs!

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